вторник, 12 май 2009 г.

The joys of H&M

I'm back from our little trip to Frankfurt and Paris and it was looovely, maybe I'll post some pictures later. Now as you can imagine, it also involved quite a bit of shopping which delightful B. endured with amazing patience. Since I'm cheap, I shopped almost entirely from H&M. It so unfair that we don't have a shop in Bulgaria! I'm on the verge of a ban on shopping here, everything's expensive and crap at the same time. They're forcing me to spend my money abroad. Anyway, here's some of the things I bought:

I also bought a really pretty cream sequined shift dress which I have nowhere to wear, a pair of beige moccasins that gave me horrific blisters yesterday, some really chic black sandals, a cream embellished tunic and a white tank (I really needed one!) from Zara and the MOST amazing huge necklace from H&M which looks like it's made of boat rope :) Also, of course, some knickers, including a pair of crazy ruffled fuscia ones which B. loves, haha. I'll try to show you some photos soon.

Gotta run now, I've been a terrible procrastinator ever since we came back.

1 коментар:

Ivelina FriChic каза...

Oh, you got the blog-famous necklace :)

Lucky you, for your shopping splurge in H&M. I've been writing them for ages demanding a store in Bulgaria. But I guess, I it better that way, otherwise everyone will wear the same things as us :P